My philosophy is as deep and complex as a kiddy pool filled with pasta.

Age 34, Male

Freelance Artist


Joined on 4/26/10

Exp Points:
209 / 280
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.23 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1m 1d


Posted by MST3KMAN - June 7th, 2010

You know....I'm thinking of just posting parts of my stories on in my news things since there's really nothing going on in my life that would matter to you guys..... but perhaps my stories can help explain where the madness of my drawings and soon flashes come from....not sure though...

Posted by MST3KMAN - May 31st, 2010

(Ok forgetting what I posted before since I'm an idiot.)

Now what the hell are people's problem???
My stuff is not that bad is it? My latest submission is getting a rating of barely over two and no one is willing to tell me why. What's wrong with it, is it because there's no background. Are people just that big of dicks that they rate stuff low just for the fun of it? Why? It frustrates me to no end since more people see my work on here than any other site I submit my stuff to. Or am I just overreacting....I don't know and it's really fricking annoy me.

Posted by MST3KMAN - May 31st, 2010

Stickin To It

Here's a comic strip series that I do from time to time. Yes it's stick figures but not like what most people do so I was wondering if this would be ok to submit into the portal or I should just leave it on my other site?

Posted by MST3KMAN - May 30th, 2010

I have a comic strip that is made of stick figures...but not simple stick figures. My stick figures are the ones that Marvel/DC/and other comic book companies use to structure their characters.

The question is: Would I get unscouted if I post it?

If so then I won't post them but I want to know from you guys.

Posted by MST3KMAN - May 28th, 2010

I've been scouted! happy day to me! I felt like a kid during Christmas when I figured out what being scouted even means (I have the memory of a Carp). Now I'm going to make sure only my best of my best stuff will come here...though I don't like posting crap anyway...unless it's really funny...but I haven't made those yet. Hopefully I can get some fan thing going within a year or something....that would be SHWEET!....one can dream.